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Panchakarma Treatment - Benefits and Training


Panchakarma is more than a treatment; it’s a rejuvenation lifestyle. Explore Panchakarma Training in Nepal with Arogya Nepal.

Panchakarma is one of the most well-known terms in the field of Ayurveda, which was introduced 5000 years ago in India by the Rishi Munis. Also, it is understood as one of the ancient Indian healing systems.

Panchakarma is basically a Sanskrit term. Pancha signifies five, and karma refers to actions. So, panchakarma is the combination of five karma (actions) done in Ayurveda.

Panchakarma therapy falls under Samshodhan Chikitsa. It's about purifying the body and removing all the toxins from the body with the 5 karmas done in Panchakarma.

5 Karma in Panchakarma

Panchakarma is about five karma, as we have read previously. They are as follows:

1.   Vamana

Vamana is controlled therapeutic vomiting done to remove toxins from the body. It is specifically focused on treating conditions associated with an excess of Kapha Dosha (water and air). It is believed that vamana treats respiratory disorders, allergies, asthama, and certain skin diseases in the body.

2.    Virechane

Virechane is a therapeutic cleaning of the intestine focused on eliminating toxins and excess Pitta Dosha (fire and water). Virechane is used to treat conditions associated with an excess of Pitta dosha, such as skin diseases, liver disorders, digestive issues, and certain inflammatory conditions. It helps to purify the blood and balance the doshas.

3.    Basti

Basti is considered a powerful and effective therapy in Ayurveda for conditions related to Vata dosha (air and ether). Basti is used to treat conditions related to the lower body, such as joint disorders, piles, neurological issues, constipation, and certain reproductive system disorders.

4.    Nasya

Nasya is the therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda that involves putting medicated stuff, like oils or herbal mixtures, into the nose. It is used to balance the veta and kapha doshas in the head and neck regions. Nasya is effective for conditions related to the nasal passages, throat, sinuses, neck, and head.

5.    Raktamokshan

Raktamokshan is the therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda that removes impure blood from the body, which is believed to be a primary cause of various diseases. Raktamokshan is derived from the two sanskrit words "Rakta", which means blood, and "Mokshan", which means letting out. It is mainly done to purify the blood in the body and promote overall health. There are various methods of raltamokshan, some of them are:

  • Leech Therapy (Jalaukaavacharana):

In Jalaukaavacharana, or leech therapy, medicinal leech is used to release impure blood from the body and simultaneously inject therapeutic substances into the blood.

  • Venesection (Siravedha):

In siravedha, or venesection, a vein is punctured to release impure blood from the body. It is also one of the traditional forms of bloodletting.

  • Needle Pricking (Pracchanna):

In Pracchanna, or needle pricking, a sanitising needle is used to make a hole at specific points to release impure blood from the body.

  • Cupping (Alabu):

In alabu, or cupping, glass or bamboo cups are used to release the blood from the body by creating a vacuum inside them and placing them in the skin.

  • Horn Therapy (Shringa):

In shringa, or horn therapy, a horn-shaped instrument is used to create a small cut on the skin and release impure blood from the body.

3 Steps in Panchakarma

There are three steps that need to be followed during the panchakarma process:

  • Poorva Karma

Poorva Karma is the preparation process of the body for the therapy.

  • Pradhan Karma

Pradhana Karma is the main process of the therapy.

  • Paschat Karma

Paschat Karma is the process after the therapy to restore the body to a normal state. It is the procedure to be followed to restore the digestive and other absorptive procedures of the body to a normal state.

Benefits of Panchakarma

  • Balance Doshas 
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Eliminates Toxins from the Body
  • Balances the nervous, blood, circulatory, and digestive systems
  • It increases energy and stamina.
  • It removes stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Increase Joint Flexibility.
  • Reduces fat

Panchakarma with Arogya Nepal

With Arogya Nepal, Panchakarma is more than a treatment; it’s a rejuvenation lifestyle. We take a holistic approach to your health and focus not only on physical health but also on mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

In Arogya Nepal, we merge ancient wisdom with modern comfort to help you achieve harmony and perfect balance between body, mind, and spirit. Our healing practices are done by the professionals themselves to give you personalized treatment and the best touch with Ayurveda.

Explore the Arogya Nepal Packages of Ayurveda Treatment and Training Courses

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